Data security has become one area that most businesses have gone to great lengths to protect their data. Ideally, every piece of information generated in an organization deserves to be secured, and hence the prominence of private cloud. Even so, there are comparatively few companies go ahead to perform social media backups. Part of the reason is out of ignorance about whether or not it is necessary to back up social media data.
Although social network backup tools are hard to find, they are available in the market. But before you can consider them, here are some reasons why social media backup methods are important.
When operating on the digital space, anything can happen at any time, particularly regarding cybercriminal activities. You may have some sort of control over your social media accounts, but not so much on the social networking platform you are on. At any particular point, a social networking site is susceptible to security issues. If they get hacked, for instance, your business stands to lose a lot of information. Another problem could come up should the social networking site change its terms of service.
On such grounds, it matters that your binary logs are secured, but more importantly, that your databases are backed up for ease in recovery. This way, you can swiftly reconstruct your social media presence through the backup files of your post, and you do not have to start from scratch.
Your accounts can be hacked
Other than the risk of social networking sites being compromised by hackers, it could only be your accounts that get hacked. Hackers have different ways of exploring security vulnerabilities on internet users. In just a click of a link, your entire platform could be hacked. As such, you may lose all your information, leaving you without an existing social media presence. However, with a reserve of your posts over time, you can get back on your feet in no time, through reclaiming your site and upping your security or coming up with a new account altogether.
Different social media platforms have different methods of storing data. The way Twitter preserves information is different from how Facebook does it, or any other platform for that matter. As a business owner, you must stay ahead of your game by caring about the scalability of the social networking storage space. As your data grows, do you near your limit for data storage? What happens if social networking sites get rid of older posts without your consent? Will you not be in a position to retrieve your previous encounters online?
The point is, you may never know when you need to retrieve a crucial piece of information dated a while back. With a backup in place, you are more assured of a plan you can fall back to, should they decide to purge subscribers’ aging data and reduce storage space.
Social media feuds can happen to any business, whether small or big. A small disagreement over how things are done can probe an unmerited drama on a social networking site. For companies, you want to be cautious in how you handle such issues, lest they taint your reputation for good. However, sometimes you may not quite understand what went down unless you countercheck with a reliable record of their tweets and posts online. This way, should you face any legal complication, you do not have to worry over whether or not the social media platform can have your back as to presenting the evidence. Since the internet never forgets, at least you have a backup copy of how matters went down, which could do a lot for your brand when it comes to salvaging your reputation online.
To refresh your content
It is good practice for website owners to refresh their content. It is a way to ensure that all your material is fresh, relevant, and current. This means that on social media, you can also do the same. With access to backups of your previous posts, you have an easy time tracking your content from a while back and updating it. The good thing is that with an archive of your previous material, you get new ideas you can write about and fresh perspectives with which to reconstruct your posts.