You’ve probably seen a couple of facebook status updates via funny devices like calculator or handheld devices like blackberry, iphone or Nexus and wondering how to post your facebook status update via your own custom device, probably your name. It’s definitely not possible to update your status via calculator and some of those status updates via blackberry aren’t actually from blackberry devices, it’s a simple trick you’ll sooon find out.
I actually found two site where you can post your status update via custom devices like iphone, blacberry, calculator, dead laptop, etc:
You can find quite a number of ready made devices on the main page, ranging from sleek mobile devices to funny ones. Creating a custom device requires registration but you might have a problem with the language. Some of the steps are not written in English.
This was formerly know as before they moved to their new domain and i’ve been using it for quite sometime. It’s quite easy to use and creating your own custom device is very easy.The steps are quite easy and straight forward as there’s a guideline every step of the way. They also have quite a huge collection of devices on the homepage from their users. It’s also possible to post on your friend’s wall via your custom device.