Creating your own blog translates into investing a lot of time and effort. The aim of every blog owner is to get their message across or even to educate and motivate the reader. Over and above that, blog owners also use their blog post as a means to attempt to do something superior. Nonetheless, ignoring seemingly small details like the number of images in the post or the size of the font can get in the way of creating the impact you wish to with your blog.

There are many mistakes that can take away from the success rate of your blog that you have been aiming to achieve. If you wish to make your blog a success story, you could do well to avoid the following gaffes.
Pen down your goals
Most bloggers are unclear about the objective of their blog. But being clear about the goals goes a long way in creating a successful blog, so do not shy away from writing your goals down now matter how vague an idea you have about your subject. It will help you prevent the frustration and confusion. It is also imperative that you are clear about the target audience of your blog and you can begin by writing about a subject that you really care about and that will appeal to a bigger audience at the same time.
You also need to clear about why you wish to blog in the first place – whether it is to create your own social community or to earn money selling affiliate products. Your blog can be more productive in a short span of time if you have definite goals and lay down a deadline.
Be original and exclusive
You can expect more success from your blog if you are original and unique in your content. There are too many blogs on the internet that have captivating headlines and tempting content. While there is no harm in browsing through the content of other bloggers to gain your own important learning experience, you must not replicate the content of others as it may work against you since the content proves the individuality of the writer. It is fine to employ the same marketing strategies as the famous bloggers, you must be original in every other aspect.
Focus on all the details including the content
Even though the design of your blog is important make sure not to pay overt attention to nitty-gritty like deciding the theme or the widgets functions. Rather than such frills, writing high quality content and concentrating on SEO marketing will ensure a high rate of success of your blog.
Avoid self-indulgence
A common mistake most bloggers make via content creation is that they are self absorbed. Your main objective of creating content must be helping your readers by giving more importance to their interests and problems. This will set you on the right track to gain your target audience’s attention even if some of your posts have personal experiences and stories and can get your reader’s emotional response.
Persevere in your endeavor
Giving up when you reach a hurdle is very easy and a course most bloggers take. Being successful in your effort is not that easy and success comes to those who are ready to persevere and open to taking risks when everyone else has called it quits because they couldn’t keep up with the challenge.
It is thus important to be unrelenting in your efforts, which can alone decide the end result, no matter what technical hurdles come your way. Creating your own blog means a lot of hard work but you can be successful if you remain focused.
Skipping the call to action
You must aim at getting new customers by creating new leads. It’s a good idea to include a call for action or a link just to give the readers of your unique blog an opportunity to see content related to your theme. This will make them see some result.
The most seasoned of bloggers can use the above-mentioned tips to sidestep the errors and have great success with their blog. Unless the readers find something unique in your blog to log on to your site it will be just another blog among the two million blog posts published every day. Erratic and sporadic blog posts can deter people from visiting your blog. You can increase your audiences by posting regularly on social bookmarking sites. Include relevant links in your blog post since backlinks can be beneficial in SEO. Keep an eye on the content your industry is posting so that your content is not repetitive. You can write a variant of the topic if you are too keen on writing on it. Have fun blogging!