We all make mistakes and forgetting your memory card password is not uncommon. With a locked memory card, you won’t even be able to access your files even if you attach it to your computer with a card reader. However, if you’re using a Nokia symbian phone, it’s dead easy to retrieve your forgotten security password. This trick only works on hacked phones only because you’ll be needing a file explorer to view hidden system folders. If your phone isn’t hacked with open4all patch already applied or platform security turned off, this probably won’t work for you. To get your memory card unlocked, follow the procedure below:
1. Open X-plore and press 0 (zero) on your keypad
2. Check all the four options to show hidden and system files
3. Go to this location: C:/Sys/Data/Mmcstore
4. Make sure mmcstore file is highlighted as shown above and press 3 on your keypad to open X-plore’s hex viewer
5. I set my password to 12345 and you can see it shown in the screenshot below:
Your password is shown at the right side of the hex viewer. You can as well use the hex editor to change the change the password here. I only tried this on an OS 9.1 symbian phone but I guess it should be the same on newer Symbian phones. It’s an easy way to retrieve or reset your forgotten SD card password. Cool trick, huh? Help share đŸ™‚