To be honest, I’ve always felt as if WordPress tags are useless. Even though I use them, I’ve never really liked it. The problem is that I’m never consistent with the way I use them. For instance, you might use a tag just once and never use it again despite having topics that could use it. I was thinking of a way to make these tags more functional and thought linking them to the search page (to actually search your site for that particular query) was a good idea.
After going back and forth, I came up with this piece of code:
<span class="entry-tags"> Hashtags: <?php $posttags = get_the_tags(); if ($posttags) { foreach($posttags as $tag) { echo '<a href="'. $tag->name . '" >#' . $tag->name . '</a> '; } } ?></span>
You can see it in action by checking the “hashtags” below this post. Obviously, you need to change in the code to your own domain name.
To implement this, you need to edit your theme file and replace the default code displaying tags with this. If you’re using Genesis, simply do this through Genesis Simple Hooks (genesis_entry_footer). But you may need to delete the shortcode displaying tags using Genesis Simple Edits to avoid repetition.