It sounds rather unbelievable that there are still a number of people out there who believe google adsense doesn’t work. Some believe it’s just another “get-rich-quick-scheme” advertised by those “liars” called internet marketers. Some even believe only the so-called “internet gurus” can make this “adsense thingy” work.
Some encase their knowledge of google adsense in myths and conclude they can never go into it, losing the guaranteed opportunity of ever making some money online. I recently had a conversation with a friend who was kind of skeptic about any online business. He showed the same skeptic attitude when I introduced blogging and adsense to him and that is what actually triggered this blog post.Google Adsense isn’t just another hype if that’s what you have in mind, it’s definitely real. I started blogging only recently, late 2009 to be precise and I’ve been into this adsense business since. I heard about it in 2008 but I wasn’t a believer like you back then, I though it was “one of those internet scam stuffs.” The basic truth is that it works unlike other online businesses like High Yield Investment Programs with only a fifty-fifty chance of success.
It will never work though if you do not believe in it, if you do not take it as a real serious business. Newbies often rush in and quit in no time because they can not earn $100 in the first month…some try different ways to cheat google adsense and earn more. It surely doesn’t work that way.
It takes a lot of commitment and patience. I got my first cheque after almost a year I took blogging with google adsense as an online business. The good thing about google adsense is that you do not need to invest a cent before you get paid. All that is required of you is a blog with a reasonable traffic. Getting your own blog too is free…you might need to invest in getting a domain name though if you’re keen on that.
Getting your adsense account approved might be quite a hurdle some new bloggers find hard to scale due to lack of right information and some get their account banned within a short period of time. Google Adsense is just like any other business, you must do the required research and get full knowledge about it before venturing in to it else it’s going to be another failed attempt at generating some online income.