Many experts agree that choosing the most suitable web host boils down to three vital characteristics: speed, security, and support.
Because hosting services are available in a wide range of prices, it is hard to choose a web host which suits your needs. There is an array of factors which need to be considered before making the purchase. For example, do bandwidth and disk storage matter to you? Or which type best suits your current and future needs?
In this article, we will attempt to answer these questions in order for you to make a fully informed decision about your future purchase.
Know Your Hosting Needs
Think about starting a business. Whereas your ideas and goals may be noble, without appropriate market research, it’s safe to say that you won’t be as successful as you would want to. Therefore, it’s vital for you to understand what you need, and how you can achieve it. You can do this by putting everything pen to paper, thoroughly identifying your plans and goals.
For example, you can ask questions such as:
- Do you require a special version of a specific software (i.e. PHP)?
- How much can the web traffic volume go up by?
- What kind of website are you building and who is it targeting?
- Do are looking for something simple and straightforward (i.e. WordPress blog)?
- Do you need Windows applications?
Although this is a good place to start, these are multiple questions which you can still ask yourself. It’s important to have a crystal-clear picture of how and what you want to do with your website in this present moment. After that becomes evident, figure out a plan for the next 12 months; ideally by writing every idea down.
Understand server types
Another vital factor to consider is the server type you will make use of. This will ultimately be linked to how much you’re willing to invest. For example, cheap hosting is available on shared servers; however, the main problem is that you are sharing that server with other services. Although the box may run hundreds of websites at the same type, the concern is regarding safety (i.e. sensitive information being leaked).
A second type is VPS, otherwise known as a virtual private server. The name is quite self-explanatory, as this is a dedicated server for you to use and fully manage. In terms of performance, the VPS is more than likely reliable and ultimately better than any base-level shared service.
The third type is cloud servers – which run on giant public clouds such as Amazon Web Services. That type is ideal if you are looking to handle big traffic surges. This will cost you slightly more, but in this case, you get what you pay for.
To sum up, there are multiple things to consider when choosing the most suitable web host for your needs. Although this decision may seem relatively easy, there are multiple factors which should go into the decision. Consider your requirements and price, compare the features and do your online research. Check for more information and tips on finding the most suitable web host.