The tech world keeps advancing and as things change, so also our lives along with everything else keep changing and that includes this blogĀ you’re reading right now. It all started as a personal tech blog in 2010 with Don Caprio being the sole author. He started blogging just to share some little knowledge with the world and make some income but over the years, we’ve had over a hundred guest contributors.
Although it should be considered a tech blog, it’s more like a multi-niche blog since we cover technology generally with focus on mobile and computers. Of course, blogging tips, WordPress and Blogger tutorials are also some of the may topics being covered and every once in a while, we dabble into marketing and even social media. There are also general tips and how-to’s to keep you safe online, make the internet easier to use and even fun to explore.
The blog has since grown and it’s considered one of the best technology blogs in Nigeria where it presently ranks about #450 according to Alexa.
Our main objective is to keep publishing great content that should be beneficial to our readers especially in the area of technology and to educate whoever is ready to learn with the the tutorials being published on the several topics we cover.
The Team
Without the contribution our our great contributors, we wouldn’t have reached where we are right now. Articles appearing on this blog are contributed by the author, our staff and guest writers.
Don Caprio – Author, Editor
Thundey Harwall – Staff Writer
Jackson Nwachukwu – Guest Contributor
Obasi Miracle – Guest Contributor
Whales Plaho – Guest contributor
We have a lot more awesome guest contributors and the page listing all our authors is underway which will be linked from here shortly.
About the author

Okay, now I’ve got the chance to tell you a little bit about myself. First off, I’m not the regular geek… I’m far from that and I don’t even consider myself as one sometimes. I’m just a dude who loves breaking things down just to see how they work. You can ask my dad how I used to spoil his things as a kid (Not my fault for real though, just experimenting… you know?).
People often ask me how I came about the name, Don Caprio. I started using this name before I started blogging, it was around the time I was in high school (SSS3), year 2000 I think. It was actually just Caprio (something from my Capricorn Zodiac group cuz I was obsessed with Astrology then). The Don I later added was from Mario Puzzo’s novel, The Last Don. I used to read novels like crazy and when I read that particular novel and later watched the movie, I felt like a real Don. :p
I used to be a writer, I mean a real serious writer and not just an internet guy with a blog. I was into poetry and was working on a novel before the internet started controlling a great part of my life. I’m not crazy when I say the internet controls a great part of my life, it’s where I earn my daily bread and I just gotta respect that. I was into rap music too and was working on my mixtape before the disaster called internet stepped in. I was into drawing too before this same disastrous internet came in and I still have a portrait of myself I made back in 2007 hanging in my living room today. I ain’t kidding, I still wish I could go back to those things I used to do but… never mind. I love arts.
I’m the type of guy who made a portrait of a friend in 2006 and started dating her in 2012. I’m the type of guy who has an odd favorite food (garri + groundnuts) considered the cheapest in this part of the world. I can be the emotional type or the other person. I’m the type of guy that goes to church. I’m the type of guy who uses the F-word and cuss. I’m the type of guy who has never smoked. I’m the type of guy who used to drink but stopped already. I’m the type of guy who would love to have my smartphone and laptop in my casket when I die cuz I’m gonna need those things in heaven with the 10G network that’s likely to be there… wait, I think I’ve said enough.
Maybe I’ll tell you more when I have a personal blog. By the way, I’m on Facebook, Twitter and Google +.