To keep up with all of the new technology available to your business, you and your employees are going to have to go through the training process for all kinds of software every few years or so. But because this process can be so hard for everyone involved, it’s vital that you as the owner or manager know exactly what you’re wanting to accomplish and how to best make it happen as you work with your teams.
To help you in doing this, here are three tips for training employees on new business software.
Know That Training Can Take Place Before Formal Changes Happen
As soon as you know that there is a new software that you’re wanting to implement into your organization, you can start the process of training well before you even make any changes to the systems you’re currently using.
As a big part of this, you should start talking up the changes that you’ll be making with your team. Since so much of the success of using this new software is going to depend on your staff’s commitment to it, getting them committed and excited before you roll anything out can be incredibly helpful. So whenever a problem arises with your current software or you and another staff member see an area of the business that will be improved once you start using your new software, try to bring attention to this to get everyone onboard before you start making any changes.
Start Them Out With The Most Important Aspects
When the time comes to start with the actual training on your new software, what can be helpful for your employees is to have some tips and tricks ready for them to try out rather than just trying to learn everything from scratch on their own.
As part of this, think about what departments will most benefit from certain shortcuts and then give them content to help them easily learn how to use these shortcuts. For example, you could put together an ITSM demo for those within the IT department and other demos for subsequent departments. This way, no one is going to be learning something irrelevant to them initially.
Outline Goals Together
One way you can attempt to get your employees more excited about training on new software is to have them outline some goals regarding the new software.
While there might be some things that you want them to learn how to do and a certain timeline that you expect them to learn these things by, if you’re able to include them in these decisions and encourage them to learn other aspects of the software that will be beneficial to them in their position, you might find it easier to get buy-in from them during training time.
If you’re going to be implementing some new business software in the near future, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find some ways to make this a more seamless transition for your organization.