Jhin is an “attack damage carry” (aka ADC) champion in League of Legends. ADCs excel at dealing out a large amount of physical damage from a distance. It is one of the most important roles to fill on a team and is responsible for much of the team’s overall damage output.
Jhin is one of the best ADC champs in all of League of Legends. With a great Jhin build, he can kill many enemies with just 1-2 hits in the later phases of the game. Few enemies can even get close enough to a fully built Jhin to hit him before dying.
Yet, Jhin is also a glass cannon. He can only take a small amount of damage and is in trouble if he takes too much crowd control from his enemies. When playing Jhin, you will need to balance how quickly you scale into your late-game power with proper positioning and careful vision control in order to crush your opponents.
How to Grow Jhin into A Powerful Champion
Jhin starts every game off relatively weak. His passive ability allows him to deal much more damage with items that stack both AD and critical strike chance than other champions. By late game, he will likely have more attack damage than any other player in the game.
As a Jhin player, you need to focus on farming up minion kill gold until you have completed at least your first full item. In the laning phase, focus on last-hitting minions. Don’t worry about poking enemy champions; let your support take care of that for you.
You still won’t dominate until you’ve had at least your 3rd item, but your first will go a long way to bringing up your damage.
How to Position Jhin to Succeed
As with all ADCs, you need to focus on your positioning. Because Jhin doesn’t have a great escape ability like some other ADCs do (i.e. Tristana), you can’t overextend or you will be killed.
Jhin does have the ability to root enemies trying to close on him, yet they need to have been engaged first, and it can be easily dodged. Do your best, but don’t rely on his W ability (Deadly Flourish) to dodge combat.
Stay behind your support or other tanks and strike when you are able to. To reiterate, don’t overextend. Jhin’s Ultimate ability (Curtain Call) even allows him to strike from a very safe difference.
Who are the Best Support Champions to Pair with Jhin?
Jhin needs two things from his support ally: 1) cover during the laning phase so he can farm freely and 2) protection during team fights so he doesn’t get burst down and killed.
For this reason, some of the best Jhin champion pairings with include: Zyra, Brand, and Lux. They all have great poking ability to keep enemies off of Jhin while he is farming up in lane. Furthermore, they also have some CC abilities to keep enemies from diving on top of Jhin during team fights.
What are the Worst Support Champions to Pair with Jhin?
The worst champions to pair with Jhin lack the ability to poke or don’t keep him far enough out of danger. Some of the worst champions to pair with Jhin include Braum, Blitzcrank, and Soraka. While these supports aren’t terrible, they don’t help him farm more easily, and they have limited ability to keep champions off of him compared to other more recommended supports.
When Should I Pick Jhin and When Should I Avoid Him?
If the enemy team has many champs capable of easily diving you (aka Fighter champions), you don’t want to pick Jhin. Some of the champions you should avoid picking Jhin into, include Nocturne, Vi, and Wukong.
Conversely, Jhin is a great champion to pick if the enemy team lacks ranged CC or has few close-quarters fighters. Some of the easiest champions to beat with Jhin include Qiyana, Azir, and Nidalee.
Final Thoughts on Jhin
Jhin is a great ADC who scales very well into the late game. There are very few champions who can match his damage output when he finishes his build. Yet, he is fragile and needs to be protected to live long enough to deal his damage.