Do you want to grow your business? A brand’s visibility is the secret to helping you build it. What clients want is to know what your business is all about. They want to interact with you. The trick is knowing how to grow your company’s visibility. Usually, this is what determines what marketing plans you need to put ahead and what areas to focus.
When customers want to make a purchase, they do so from the business that comes first in mind- the company which is more visible to them. There is a great need to make your business visible so that it gradually translates to revenue.
What’s your budget? How can you increase your business visibility? It does not have to be expensive. Check the ways below on how you can increase visibility and network your way to your business growth.
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is among the top things that every business should consider. The first thing is getting a company website that helps tell people what your business is all about. We are in a new and innovative digital age where you miss out on the opportunities if you don’t have a site.
Have the site’s content optimized so that it appears at the top of search engines such as Google and Bing. This is where people will see your brand name.
As people search for solutions, you don’t want to miss out; you want your business to appear as a solution.
Frankly, search engines keep changing their algorithm to be highly ranked. Always keep yourself updated at all times.
If you are on a minimal budget, you can always DIY, get to know how to customize your site for a higher ranking. You need to be slightly tech savvy for this.
2. Social Media
Social media is a great online platform to increase your brand visibility. Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn help in making your business known. The thing about social media is, everybody can have their short time of fame. The question however is, can your business last longer? How can you ensure it does? (
i. Partner with other stronger and more visible brands
For example, if you sell shoes, you can partner with an established shoe manufacturer. Such moves help you tap into your affiliate partner’s audience. You can gain recognition fast.
ii. Consider the content
The trick here is, publish content and you get noticed. Post engaging content and you increase engagement. For instance, if your business deals with computers and accessories, an article on how to reset Windows 10 for beginners should gain you more followers and customers.
Publishing content is one part of this, but constant publishing on your social media pages helps people get the consistency. Interested clients will take interest and check out your website to see what you offer. Ensure that your “about us” page has the right kind of content for people to opt-in and buy your products.
3. Customer relation
How much marketing are you doing with your clients? Besides what they purchase do they know what else you offer? Talk to your customers about your service/product delivery. Let them know of future product unveiling plans.
Everybody wants to feel valued in a company. Therefore, show concern for your clients, make them know that you appreciate them. Tell them of procedures of filing complaints in case they have any. Who are your competitors? What can you do differently from them to attract more people?
Use the information you get from your research to ensure that you make your customers aware of what you intend to do differently. Introduce customer rewards such as discounts for the products they buy. Such incentives will make them go talking positively about your company which makes more people interested.
4. Consider local newspapers
As much as people are taking their business online, the old-fashioned way also helps in getting those clients who prefer reading a newspaper. Writing articles and get them published is a great way to make your business name appear on the papers.
It is not a one day job though, create relationships with reporters or editors and send samples of your work for publication; even if it’s for free. Sometimes, you find yourself taking sides which could rub some people the wrong way. However, it’s important to have supporting facts for your opinion as this will help people who don’t agree with you still consider what your business has to offer.
A brand can take a while before gaining momentum. However, what matters is your determination and persuasiveness. Know what people want and give them. Make your products or services the best in the industry as that provides a competitive advantage over the others. Once your brand is visible, then you can be sure that profit will undoubtedly increase.