If you’re a twitter freak with thousands of followers, you will surely like to tweet every blog post immediately they appear on your blog. Feedburner does this for you at no cost and I assume you already have a google account as this is what you’re going to need to login to Feeburner.I also believe you have your blog RSS feed. This is how to get your blogspot RSS feed address if you do not know it already:
Your post RSS feed should look like –
Your comment RSS feed should be like –
http://my blog-address/feeds/comments/default
Replace my-blog-address with your blog’s address, ok?
Now back to business, login to feedburner.com and burn a feed. Use your post RSS and do the necessary configuration.
When your feed is ready, follow the following steps:
1. Click on “Publicize”
2. Select “socialize” from the links on the left
3. Add your twitter account with your username and password
4. Grant Feedburner the required access to your twitter account.
5. “Save” and the service is active.
Once this is done, every blog post you make will appear to your twitter followers as a new tweet. You can get a lot of traffic from social networks if you know the right way to utilize them.