PC gamers are a specific breed. Console-only players can’t understand these gaming memes, which will resonate with the PC gamer community.
While gamers are a separate culture unto itself, some cliques exist within this culture. For example, you have the MOBA, battle royale, or fighting game players. But nothing produces as much salt as the ancient beef between PC gamers and console players.
Let’s look at some funny gaming memes that will resonate with PC gamers but will likely get a thumbs down from console gamers.
1. PC Master Race
This is the source of most internet fights between the two groups.
PC gamers do have some points in their favor. X-box One and PS4 players bicker with each other over which console has the better graphics. But there’s no question that PC has the best graphics.
Do you want 4K resolution and consistent 60 fps on your favorite games? Then there’s no choice but PC.
Then there are the advantages of mod support, using any input device you want, and easy upgrades. PC gamers aren’t shy about lording these over the “filthy console peasants.”
2. The Vegans of the Gaming World

Do you know the old joke about how to tell if someone is vegan? “Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.” It’s the same with PC players.
They can’t wait to tell you that they’re PC gamers.
You’ll be lucky if it stops there. Because right after they tell you that they only play on PC, they’ll be talking about their current rig. Be prepared to hear about how they got the new Ryzen CPU with 7nm technology. Then a random person will chime in that AMD sucks and Intel is still better.
But that’s a subject for another day.
3. Bethesda Bugs Gaming Memes
You might say that Bethesda games are not exclusive to personal computers. However, people who play on PC have more experience with Bethesda bugs. This has been going on since the early Fallout and Elder Scrolls games.
The pièce de résistance? Fallout 76 which released with numerous bugs, glitches, and missing features such as NPCs.
Saying that a new Bethesda game is going to be buggy is like saying water is wet.
4. The Mark of the Chosen
It’s easy to distinguish a PC gamer from other gamers. Check their dominant hand. If there’s a blemish or discoloration on the pinkie side of their wrist, you can identify PC players with 99.9% certainty.
Ok, maybe 99.9% is a bit of an exaggeration. But that person has been playing with the mouse for an inordinate amount of time.
You can easily make a meme out of this. Just take a picture of your mouse hand and use Adobe Spark Post. Caption it with something like “Have you seen this guy? Missing since <insert new game here> released.”
5. “No Loading Screen for You”
Personal computers today are so fast. With more powerful CPUs and GPUs partnered with hyperspeed SSDs, the loading screen of most games will flash by in an instant.
You can barely read the gaming tips printed on the bottom of loading screens. What was the key for crouch again?
6. We’re All Librarians
Console players will argue that PC gaming is more expensive. But PC gamers will beg to differ. The main reason is that game distribution platforms like Steam or Humble Bundle regularly offer sales that can sometimes go up to 90%. Game developers may also offer a free copy of an older game right before they release a new one.
There’s a nasty side effect though. With time being a limited resource, a lot of the games end up collecting dust. We become glorified librarians that are content to admire our vast collection of games.
What Type of Gamer Are You?
We hope that these gaming memes have tickled your funny bone whether you’re a PC, console, mobile, or any kind of gamer. We all have our quirks but for the most part, we are a community. A community that’s slowly taking over the world, muahahaha!
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