In this article, I’m going to list the top 5 WordPress social sharing plugins you can use on your blog to increase social exposure. Even the busiest people are still finding time to hang out on social networks, so we bloggers ought to utilize the availability of such users to drive traffic to our blog. There are many plugins available for WordPress to add social share buttons to your blog which should help you and your blog readers share the contents of blog on social networks. I am hereby listing the top 5 social sharing WordPress plugins.

2. Flare

Shareaholic is another awesome social sharing plugin for WordPress. It adds an attractive list of social bookmarking sites to your posts or pages.It comes with an attractive CSS hover effect. Shareaholic has different features like top sharing bar at the top of the blog and also, it adds a related posts widget to posts which increases the page views on your blog. In essence, it’s a two-in-one plugin for social sharing and related posts.
Must Read: Best WordPress Plugins for SEO, Social Media and Better Usability
Sharethis is one of the easiest WordPress plugins for sharing which allows users to share the blog content to about 120 social channels. There many different styles for Sharethis WordPress plugin and you can choose any type from it for your blog. Also, the buttons look sort of attractive compared to others.
5. Digg Digg