Encryption key management is today’s safest way to protect computer data and computer hardware like desktop, laptop and other data storage devices from constant attacks by hackers. The volume of hacking into integrated systems continues to increase even with the use of many of the software programs intended to create a firewall to protect sensitive documents. Inevitably it becomes necessary to seek the most comprehensive key management for encryption. This is the efficient way to manage encryption designed and created for safest data protection.
Encryption Is The Key To Data Protection
There are three things to remember about encryption: . Data is transformed to be unreadable by hackers . Use of an algorithm facilitates the unreadable transformed data . Data is readable only by a “key” individual who is granted sole knowledge of the sequencing of the algorithm
Professional Encryption Management Reduces Risk Of Hacking
Venafi is the inventor and leader in Enterprise Management and Certificate Management (EKCM) solutions. This group determines data risk to large networks of computer systems for businesses and private use. It takes a comprehensives system of key management regarding highly sensitive data and documents to insure protection. This is done with SSL certificates as well as symmetric keys globally over networks for central data systems and the popular cloud computing venue. Encryption is active while in the transmission of specific data, as well as in an idle state of non-transmission.
The Benefit Of Online Security
Secured online data is the difference between proprietary business information being divulged unscrupulously by hackers and a safe, secure online environment. The cost of data loss can be devastating to a business. This is one reason the military relies on data encryption and insists upon top professionals in the industry to provide these services.
Hardware Specs For The Most Effective Integration of Key Management
The hardware specs required for the most effective integration of key management are: . Minimum 4 GB RAM memory . At least 5 GB free disk space . 3.0 GHz processing speed and dual processor . Writable file systems
A Windows or Linus operating system and a 64-bit Intel or AMD processor are also required.
The ability to rely on encryption keys is a direct path to optimal online security. Evaluate hardware specs required and integration of key management when choosing a professional to provide encryption services for business needs.